Oberkalbach, Hessen, Germany
Village of My Berthold & Ullrich Ancestors
A Native Oberkalbacher Comments on My Web Site

Dirk Frohberg is a young university student at the University of Mainz in
Germany.  He was born and raised in Oberkalbach, in the Post  house across
the street from the Fansterhanse house where my mother was born and
raised in the early 1900's. Dirk found my web site and wrote to me. He offered some suggestions for a couple of corrections or clarifications and for adding
some information about the new growth of Oberkalbach and the surrounding area.

In Dirk’s words, “I visited your homepage and I’m impressed by your work.  
You did a great job and it is interesting for me to see how you see our village
from the distance. I read your pages carefully and I wonder how you could get
such a good insight into our culture and traditions. Your interpretations are quite
correct.  That’s amazing.”

I explained to Dirk that I visited Oberkalbach during the first ten years of my
life and have many memories.  Also, my mother and I talked often over the years
after our emigration about her life in Oberkalbach.  We had many years to do this
because she lived to be 90 years old.  And besides that,  I love history, especially
family history. Thank you, Dirk, for taking the time to comment on my site.
Copyright 2000-2008 by Sue Foster.  Please contact me for permission to copy. I'd like to kow why you are interested in this information :-)