Village of My Berthold & Ullrich Ancestors
Oberkalbach Land Holders in 1596
These individuals were serfs under the House of Brandenstein. They worked the land and were allowed to keep part of the crops for their own use.

Michel Belz - 5 fields, 5 meadows
Marx Boernner - 6 fields, 4 meadows
Claus Emerich - 1 field, 2 meadows
Endress Emerich - 4 fields, 4 meadows
Henn Emerich - mill, 1 meadow
Henn Emerich - 4 fields, 5 meadows
....... Emerich, son of Balzer - 7 fields
Henn Froelich - 4 fields, 4 meadows
Quer Gaertner - 9 fields, 10 meadows
Ullerich Gerttner - 11 fields, 8 meadows
Veltin Gertner - 4 fields, 5 meadows
Quer Heiel - 10 fields, 5 meadows
Lorentz Heiel - 4 fields, 4 meadows
Endress Herbarth - 7 fields, 4 meadows
Fatius Herbarth - 2 fields, 2 meadows
Quer Herbarth - ---------
Johann Hillebrandt - 7 fields, 7 meadows
Enders Hoeman - 5 fields, 5 meadows
Kilian Hoeman -  --fields, 1 meadow
Michel Huebner - 4 fields, 3 meadows
Henn Koehler - 6 fields, 5 meadows
Clauss Krausshaar - 4 fields, 6 meadows
Ebalt Krausshaar - 7 fields, 6 meadows
Henn Krausshaar - 7 fields, 6 meadows
Quer Krausshaar - 4 fields, 9 meadows
Quer Kraushaar - 2 fields, 1 meadow
Claus Kress - 9 fields, 9 meadows
Henn Kress - 2 fields, 2 meadows
Henn Kress (innkeeper) - 10 fields, 6 meadows
Henn Kress (the elder) - 11 fields, 7 meadows
Heintz Leupolt - ---------
Georg Mueller - 6 fields, 3 meadows
Henn Mueller (Quer's son) - 8 fields, 3 meadows
Henn Schausen - 4 fields, 1 meadow
Claus Scheffer (mayor )- 6 fields, 5 meadows
Claus Schneider - 5 fields, 3 meadows
Michel Stang - 5 fields, 6 meadows
Endress Stauff - 2 fields, 2 meadows
Claus Ullerich - 8 fields, 7 meadows
Jobst Ullerich - 6 fields, 3 meadows
Mathes Voegler - 8 fields, 4 meadows
Male Inhabitants in 1654

     In 1654, there were 34 households in Oberkalbach.  Before the 30-Year War, which lasted from 1618 to 1648, there had been 70 households. That gives us an idea of the destructiveness of this long war.  The following is a list of heads of households, as noted in the book Berkwinkel Chronik:
    Henn Altbrand
    Hans Baus    
    Klas Boehm
    Kaspar Breuninger
    Henn Dorn, miller
    Joerg Emmrich, councilman
    Hans Foeller
    Simon Foeller, minstrel
    Hans Frischkorn, church elder and juryman
    Ulrich Gaertner, forest ranger and minstrel    
    Andreas Heil
    Niclas Hiltmann
    Adam Jost
    Hans Jost, smith
    Peter Koch, smith
    Andreas Kraushaar, schoolmaster
    Doenges Kraushaar
    Klas Kraushaar, councilman
    Quirin Kress
    Hans Lins
    Peter Lins
    Adam Ludwig
    Klas Ruebsam
    Hans Schaefer, mayor
    Konrad Scheibner, smith
    Henn Schmidt
    Klas Schmidt, councilman
    Hans Schultess
    Hans Ulrich, builder or large farmer, and juryman
    Klas Ulrich, councilman
    Heinrich Wachsmann, builder
    Klas Wehner, wagonmaker
    Hans Weininger
    Heintz Will
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